US President Joe Biden is Preparing for Cryptocurrency Launch!

As the US presidential elections to be held in November 2024 approach, presidential candidate Donald Trump draws attention with his statements supporting Bitcoin (BTC) and cryptocurrencies in his election campaign.

Unlike Trump, current US President Joe Biden comes to the fore with his anti-crypto statements, and Biden's crypto ideas are also changing.

According to The Block, sources with knowledge of the matter said that President Joe Biden is also considering accepting cryptocurrency donations through Coinbase Commerce for his election campaign.

According to sources, Joe Biden's election team is in talks about accepting cryptocurrency donations.

A source who works with politicians and cryptocurrency industry leaders told The Block:

“They are paying attention to crypto-related issues and trying to find quick wins to show they support the industry.

They want to show that they are not enemies.”

A source close to Biden also said: “People in Biden's inner circle are now specifically telling the Biden team: 'If you stay silent on this crypto issue and don't step up, you may lose the election.' That's why Biden's team also turned to crypto, but will not accept crypto donations.” “Discussions regarding this are still exploratory.”

Coinbase Commerce, a payment service, is supporting the campaign of Republican candidate Donald Trump, which began accepting cryptocurrency donations last month.

*This is not investment advice.