US Election Result Will Be Determined by Bitcoin (BTC) and Cryptocurrencies! Coinbase Research!

As the US elections in November approach, it is stated that cryptocurrency voters will play an important role in these elections.

At this point, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the US, Coinbase, found in its latest research that in key states critical to the US presidential election, young crypto voters under the age of 35 are almost evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, with 41% and 39% respectively.

Coinbase stated in its report that cryptocurrencies could be very important in key states in the face of equal odds.

Pointing out that young voters made a difference in the 2020 US elections, Coinbase said that young voters are expected to be a decisive factor again in the 2024 elections.

“Young voters made a difference in the 2020 US elections and are expected to be a decisive factor again in 2024.

Gen Z and Millennial voters make up 40% of all eligible voters and will make up the majority of voters by 2028. This active electorate is likely to be a deciding factor again in 2024, with 92% of registered voters under the age of 35 saying they are likely to vote in the November election.

They also disproportionately represent pro-crypto and pro-innovation voters who want to support candidates who will help improve and update the system.

“Any candidate who wants to win in 2024, especially those running in contested states that could make or break federal elections, must take into account and attract the pro-crypto young electorate.”

Republican candidate Donald Trump was critical of Bitcoin during his previous presidency, but he backed down from that stance during his last election campaign, making pro-BTC and pro-crypto statements. Unlike Trump, Democratic candidate Vice President Kamala Harris has largely remained silent on the subject of cryptocurrencies since her campaign began in July.

*This is not investment advice.