Unlock Alarm In This Altcoin! Will the Price Continue to Drop?

According to the report of research company Token Unlocks, a major unlocking will take place in the Aptos (APT) token today.

In the report, it was stated that the number of APT tokens to be unlocked will be 4.54 million and their value will be $ 23.58 million, while it was stated that they constitute 1.98% of the current supply.

Although unlocking the tokens does not mean that there will be a direct sale, such developments can reduce the risk appetite and price for that token.

In this context, experts reminded that investors should be careful, while Aptos was affected by both the unlocking and the general market decline, falling by 5.40% in the last 24 hours.

At the time of writing, APT continues to trade at $4.96. Analyzing the APT chart, a key support level is seen at $4.94, while a resistance level is at $5.40.

*This is not investment advice.