Crypto NewsExchangeTwitter Post About FUD News From Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao! "External Pressures...

Twitter Post About FUD News From Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao! "External Pressures Strengthen Us"

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, known as 'CZ', shared on Twitter regarding the latest FUD wave about the stock market.

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Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, known as 'CZ', made a statement regarding the incessant FUD news. He shared the “secret” of building strong and close-knit teams on Twitter.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao Remarks on Exchange-Related FUD News

He explained that the secret is not in exaggerated team building activities or motivational speeches, but rather in external pressure.

According to Changpeng Zhao, external pressure acts as a unifying force for teams, promoting trust, alliance, resilience and most importantly trust among team members.

Using an analogy, CZ underlined how conflicts between nations can be resolved quickly when faced with a common external threat, and emphasized the power of external pressure to build unity.

Zhao referred to the movie “Blackhawk Down” to better explain this point. He recounted a scene in which a veteran soldier explains that what motivated him to risk his life was not glory or heroism, but the comradeship and loyalty he felt towards his fellow soldiers.

CZ attributes the close-knit team at Binance to the constant external pressures they face, such as fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) surrounding the cryptocurrency industry.

Working together to overcome challenges and adversities has strengthened ties not only within the team but also with the wider Binance community.

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While emphasizing the importance of internal harmony through shared experiences, CZ underlined the importance of cooperation and solidarity externally.

Building trust with the wider community is equally vital to Binance fulfilling its mission of increasing the financial freedom of people around the world.

CZ's views highlighted an unconventional approach to team building, highlighting the importance of external pressure as a catalyst for fostering strong bonds and enhancing collective commitment.

It should be noted that the above statements reflect CZ's personal point of view and do not represent the views of Binance as a whole.

*Not investment advice.

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