Crypto NewsAltcoinThe Altcoins Developers Are Focusing On The Most This Week - Here's...

The Altcoins Developers Are Focusing On The Most This Week – Here’s The List

Cryptocurrency analysts have announced the altcoins that developers are working on the most this week. Here is the full list.

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According to cryptocurrency analysts, data has identified the altcoin networks that developers are most focused on this week.

This week, there was a downward wave in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.

Data shows that the altcoin at the top in terms of the number of developers is Ethereum by far with 2,498 people. Polkadot ranks second with 839 developers. Then comes Polygon with 836 developers.

Cosmos took the fourth place with 754 developers, and Arbitrum took the fifth place with 615 developers.

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Although the number of developers is an important metric, how much these developers work on the altcoins in question can also be extremely meaningful. According to the data, the altcoin where developers made the most code changes in the last week was Ethereum with 16,430 works. Polkadot ranked second with 5,226 works, with a similar ranking to the number of developers.

In third place is BNB Chain, which has 4,957 works, with a difference according to the number of developers.

Cosmos took the fourth place with 4,680 works, and Polygon took the fifth place with 4,626 works.

Among the other altcoins in the top ten, Optimism, Arbitrum, NEAR, Celo and Kusama were recorded respectively.

*This is not investment advice.

Buradaki Yorumlardan Bildirim Al

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