Crypto NewsNewsTerra (LUNA) New CEO Shares 2024 Message and Sets Ambitious New Year's...

Terra (LUNA) New CEO Shares 2024 Message and Sets Ambitious New Year’s Goals

Chris Amani, the new boss of the Terra ecosystem, sent a new year message to the LUNA community and talked about the future.

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As the world welcomes 2024, Chris Amani, the new CEO of the Terra (LUNA) ecosystem, shared a new year message with the Terra community that sheds light on the future of the ecosystem.

In his message, Amani evaluated the challenges and victories of the past year:

“2023 was a harsh year. Just like 2022, no one expected the Terra community to survive. You proved them wrong twice. Congratulations.”

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The Terraform Labs (TFL) team spent the second half of 2023 restructuring and planning for what Amani calls “Redemption.” Amani expressed optimism about the progress made so far, although he expects a multi-year process with many obstacles along the way. “We are further ahead than I expected,” said Amani, claiming that Terra is well positioned with the most resilient community in the cryptocurrency world and a complementary application stack that no other ecosystem has.

As we move towards 2024, Amani stated that his primary focus is to ensure that the Terra ecosystem and its developers are equally equipped. Amani also shared his vision for Terra's role within the Cosmos network:

“Terra will have the deepest stablecoin liquidity in Cosmos and will be the only ecosystem with ‘DeFi-compatible’ liquidity for both Cosmos and non-Cosmos major assets.”

*This is not investment advice.

Buradaki Yorumlardan Bildirim Al

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