Solana News

The Giant Company with More than 150 Cryptocurrency Investments Announced Its New Fund of 150 Million Dollars: Mentioned a Surprise Altcoin!

CMT Digital announced its fourth fund of $150 million for long-term cryptocurrency investments. He gave the altcoin named Helium-HNT as an example.

Insider Trading Alert on Solana (SOL) Based Memecoin: Price Dropped by 95 Percent!

Insiders sold the Solana (SOL)-based memecoin called SPIKE, and the price dropped up to . Here are the details...

Solana Craze Continues: Santiment Announces the SOL-Based Altcoins That Developers Are Most Focused on! 4 Altcoins Passed SOL!

Santiment listed the Solana (SOL) base altcoins that developers have focused on the most in the last 30 days.

Solana (SOL) Based Memecoin Made a New Announcement, the Price Is on the Rise!

Solana (SOL)-based memecoin MOTHER, issued by world-famous rapper Iggy Azalea, rose after the announcement.

Critical Statement from Solana Foundation: 'Malicious Verifiers Will Be Sanctioned!' Here are the Details

Solana Foundation announced that measures will be taken against malicious sandwich attacks against Solana users.

They Didn't Give Up on Bitcoin! Institutional Investors Invested in BTC and Three Altcoins: One Was a Surprise!

Coinshares stated that there was an inflow of $2 billion into Bitcoin, Ethereum and altcoin investment products last week.