Not So FUD: CZ Responds To Allegedly Died In Fight With The FBI!

Changpeng Zhao, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Binance, responded to the FUD news on Asian news sites in his statement on Twitter.

In the news in question, there were ridiculous allegations that CZ was killed in conflict with the FBI. In his statement, CZ reminded that this is the second time that such news has been made about his death, and that in the first news, there was an untrue claim that a large amount of BNB was seized with him.

Binance CEO Denies The Ridiculous Claim About Him

CZ said in a statement on Twitter:

“A lot of FUD is going on. One of them is the claim that "I had a fight with an American security agency and I took out an AK47. The police then opened fire first and I was wasted…" claim, which was widely circulated in Asia.

This is my 2nd time spent imaginatively in Asian news. The last one also included a basement full of BNB. Oh, and I got shot 27 times… Who makes up nonsense like that?”

Previously, it was claimed that CZ was killed by American forces in the FUD news from Asia and especially from China.

*Not investment advice.