The giant whale, who made a name for himself with his successful transactions in the volatile market, opened a leveraged transaction again.
The mysterious whale, who attracted attention with his Ethereum (ETH) leveraged trades during the sharp declines, opened his new position for Chainlink (LINK).
According to Spot on Chain's post, the mysterious whale, which previously opened long and short positions in Bitcoin, Ethereum, HYPE and YGG and earned $16.4 million, this time opened a long position in LINK.
According to the data, the whale, who deposited approximately $2.8 million worth of USDC to the Hyperliquid exchange, opened a long position for LINK with 10x leverage with this money.
The “50x ETH” whale that cost Hyperliquid $4 million is back; this time he's betting big on LINK!
The whale opened a long position in LINK with 2.875M USDC on Hyperliquid with 10x leverage in the last 45 minutes.
Since February 7, this investor has earned $16.4 million by quickly turning long/short positions on ETH, BTC, HYPE, and YGG on Hyperliquid.
Will this LINK long also pay off?”
The same whale also spent 7.1M USDC to purchase 506,226 LINK at the average price of $14.03.
He sold 1,108.83 ETH for 2.1M USDC and pulled another $5M USDC from Spark for purchases, but the whale’s LINK position is currently at a loss of around $194K.
*This is not investment advice.