Cryptocurrency Operation in Zonguldak! 1 Arrest!

The rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies has mobilized many criminals. As in many countries of the world, criminals in Turkey take advantage of the popularity of cryptocurrencies and take people's money.

At this point, the last news came from Zonguldak.

It was determined that a person who was investigated by the Zonguldak Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for the crime of “Qualified Fraud” collected crypto money from the citizens and this person was arrested.

Zonguldak Police Department made the following statements in its statement:

“Within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Zonguldak Chief Public Prosecutor's Office regarding the crime of 'Qualified Fraud', the person named GA(1990 Born.), who collected money from the citizens by taking crypto money and defrauded them with the promise of giving dividends to these money, which he collected with a capital guarantee, was made by our KOM Branch Directorate on 25.07.2023. obtained as a result of the studies.

Searches were carried out at two addresses belonging to the person in the city center of Zonguldak, and many evidences (checks, promissory notes, documents, digital materials, etc.) were seized during the searches. The suspect was transferred to the Zonguldak Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on the same day and was arrested by the court where he was taken.

It is announced to the public with respect.”