Crypto Regulation from the Swiss Banking Committee: 'Banks Will Explain Their Cryptocurrency Activities in Detail!'

In a move towards greater transparency and market accountability, the Swiss Committee on Banking Supervision has published draft guidance requiring banks to disclose both quantitative and qualitative details of their cryptocurrency activities.

Swiss Banking Committee Advocates Comprehensive Disclosure of Banks' Crypto Participation

These new guidelines are an additional measure taken by the committee to increase existing capital requirements.

The goal is to deter banks from holding cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) without adequate support, especially in light of recent challenges faced by crypto-related lenders like Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank.

The proposed regulations, scheduled to go into effect in 2025, require “banks to disclose qualitative information about their activities related to cryptoassets and quantitative information about their exposure to cryptoassets and related capital and liquidity requirements,” as stated by the committee.

This organization is closely linked to the Bank for International Settlements, a consortium of central banks headquartered in Basel, Switzerland.

“A common format for disclosures would support the enforcement of market discipline and help reduce information asymmetry between banks and market participants,” the committee also said.

This move is set to bring a more balanced and well-informed landscape in the field of cryptocurrency activities in the banking sector.

*This is not investment advice.