Cold Wallet Manufacturer Trezor Announces That It Has Detected A Vulnerability In Its System: Who is Affected?

Trezor, one of the industry's leading cryptocurrency hardware wallet providers, announced that it is investigating a security incident that occurred on January 17, 2024.

The security breach resulted in unauthorized access to the company's support portal and exposed the contact information of up to 66,000 users who interacted with Trezor Support since December 2021.

The information revealed is limited to names and email addresses. Trezor assured its users that their digital assets were not compromised in any way due to this incident.

The security breach was detected on January 17, 2024 at 22:20 UTC. The unauthorized access occurred at the level of the third-party support portal that Trezor uses. The company said it is currently conducting a comprehensive investigation into the scope of this incident in collaboration with its third-party service provider.

According to the official statement, in order to protect its users, Trezor notified all potentially affected users about the incident. Trezor expects all emails to be delivered within the next 12 hours.

During the investigation, it was revealed that the person behind the leak directly contacted 41 users via email, requesting sensitive information regarding recovery seeds.

*This is not investment advice.