Binance Announces the Altcoin It Chose for the 53rd Launchpool Project! BNB Mobilized After the Announcement!

Binance, the leading global cryptocurrency exchange, introduced Renzo (EZ) as the 53rd project in the Binance Launchpool, a liquid repurchase protocol aimed at increasing user participation in the crypto ecosystem.

Binance Launches Renzo (EZ) on Launchpool

The Launchpool web page for Renzo (EZ) is expected to go live in approximately 5 hours, just before Launchpool launches.

Users will have the opportunity to deposit BNB and FDUSD tokens into separate pools to collect EZ tokens over a six-day period starting at 03:00 on April 24, 2024.

Listing Details

After the farming period, Binance will list EZ tokens for trading starting at 15:00 on April 30, 2024.

EZ will be paired with a variety of trading pairs, including EZ/BTC, EZ/USDT, EZ/BNB, EZ/FDUSD and EZ/TRY. The Seed Tag will be applied to EZ upon listing.

EZ Launchpool Information

Token Name: Renzo (EZ) Maximum Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 EZ Launchpool Token Rewards: 250,000,000 EZ (2.5% of maximum token supply) Initial Circulating Supply: 1,050,000,000 EZ (10.50% of maximum token supply ) Smart Contract Details: Ethereum Staking Conditions: KYC required Per User Hourly Fixed Cap: 147,569.44 EZ in BNB pool 26,041.67 EZ Stake in FDUSD pool BNB Rewards: 212,500,000 EZ (85%) Staking FDUSD Rewards: 37,500,000 EZ (15%) Farming Period: 24 April 2024, 03:00 – 29 April 2024, 02:59

Binance emphasizes that it will be the first platform to list EZ tokens and trading will begin at 15:00 on April 30, 2024. Any claims that EZ tokens will be available before this timeline are considered false advertising.

Binance advises users to do their own research to ensure the safety of their funds.

*This is not investment advice.

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