Attention Altcoin Investors: The Former Team Member Who Was Successful in Finding the Tops Started Selling Again!

Ethereum Name Service (ENS), for which Ethereum (ETH) founder Vitalik Buterin spoke highly, experienced a major rise as the possibility of approval of spot Ethereum ETFs increased.

Accordingly, profit sales have started in ENS, which has increased by up to 50% in the last two days.

Brantly Millegan, a former ENS core team member known for selling at peaks, sold ENS.

According to Spot on Chain's post, Brantly Millegan deposited 92,535 ENS worth $1.98 million to Coinbase at an average price of $21.34.

According to the data, the former ENS member has taken advantage of the large price increases since January and sold ENS worth $6.53 million in total.

Brantly Millegan still holds 373 thousand ENS worth approximately $7.97 million.

ENS price continues to be traded at $ 20.96 at the time of writing.

*Not investment advice